Smarter Faster Better book summary
Chapter 1: Motivation Our internal locus of control gives us motivation (feels good) to be in control (Example of marine training where the cadets are in control of their environment). “Unless we practice self determination and give our self emotional reward for subversive assertions, our capacity for self motivation can fade.” Choices and actions we make need to connect to a purpose, why we are doing what we are doing (Simon Sinnik book: Start with why, focuses on that). Chapter 2: Teams Psychological safety defines teams (commitment culture). Higher emotional intelligence to care and listen. Starts with leaders. What are they doing and promoting the team. It is often inefficient in the short term but more productive in the long term. Means giving control to others which creates mutual trust and must show that they are genuinely listening. Chapter 3: Focus Anticipate what should happen next, that day, that drive to work. Use probabilistic thinking as it helps envision the future ...