Top 5 Agile diseases and their cures
Sometimes we know something is wrong, but we do not what is the problem exactly. I might be able to shed some insight on Agile problems that you might be facing. These are the top 5 Agile diseases: 1 If your Scrum implementation is suffering from: You have long standups ignoring the retrospective as a way to improve the way we work working on “urgent” stories during the sprint. Disease: Framework headache The Agile doctor prescribes : Read up on scrum and the scrum guide and understand what you are not doing correctly. 2 If your Agile implementation has: Large backlogs that rarely change Release cycles are longer than 2 months We need to finish # of stories more than 2 months into the future Disease: Refusal to learn. You do not approach complex problems trying to understand what works best, and it is impossible to build a solution without experimentation. You are also missing out on capturing value by delivering faster. The Agile doctor prescribes : Think shorter cycles of learning, r...